Friday 27 July 2012

Tuesday 24 July 2012

News - is it good or bad?

Do you think news have any influence over you, your behavior & thoughts?

This is actually a rather interesting question to raise especially considering the worlds situation today. I feel news today are full of violence. I think we may have become less affected by seeing violence by all this exposure to it, as it's now a part of our daily lives. Moreover todays news is easily forgotten tomorrow. 

News & media is a money making business & 95 % of all media is controlled by only a few companies, such as Time Warner, News Corp & so on. News & media is in other words a competition & due to that news today are gone by tomorrow.. Years ago this competition looked a lot different because there were a lot more diversity in the news because there were more media companies. This is a shame because considering how much influence media has on us & its impact on our society such as public opinions etc. In other words the more media companies the better for us "consumers". 

Media plays a very important role in our lives & influence virtually every aspect of our lives. So make sure you chose your news source carefully! News & media influence our thoughts, sometimes positively but a lot of the time negatively. Moreover due to the easy access to news & media in todays society we are also a lot more exposed to it, which I think have made us less emotional & sadly also reduced our moral thinking plus acting. 

First news companies know most people have an urge to know what is going on in the world. Our world have shrunk & have become a global village due to media & its easy access. Secondly, due to the societies norms that following news is a part of life "education" & a must for higher ranked jobs in order to have "educated-work-conversation" in which people can show off their knowledge about the worlds politics & economy. What is lacking is the initiative to help, act & make a change. Lets take the global warming as an example. Most of us are aware about it but nobody really does anything. It is soon too late! We should start commuting by bus instead of driving our cars. We should be more conscious about eating local food, than keep eating imported products such as bananas from Philippines, tomatoes from Neatherlands, beef from Brazil & grapes from France. Back in the days most people only eat local & seasonal food products, which is actually better for us. 

Back to the subject: news & media. It is partly the societies norms that make us feel we should all be aware of the daily news flow. But from my prospective news has kind of become just a subject for an "intelligent-work-discussion", where people choses to remain impassive & not act on what they see or hear. People seem to think it is enough to be informed, in a belief that it show that they care. 

So we can see that news & media do affects our daily lives both negatively in certain ways such as that we see more violence & have become more "used" to it. Moreover what we read is very controlled by a few media companies, which themselves view news & media more as an money-making business rather than a channel to broadcasting "the truth" in the world.

Final conclusion: Yes I'm not an expert in the field of news & media but I do think we should be more critical & question media & news. Moreover we should of course discuss news (1) but also try to act more (2) & help (3) instead of just bringing it up as a subject over lunch. The positive side to news is the factual information & analysis of situations, etc. & that media can help, liberate and empower people if it's used the right way. 

It is also the responsibility of us "consumer" of news & media to:


Do you agree?

If you are interested in this subject & to learn more read:

 Maria Armoudian 
"Kill the messenger- the medias's role in the fate of the world"

 “Maria Armoudian wisely and insightfully inspires us to look at the character of the messenger who delivers today’s news. This book should be read by anyone concerned with the fate of the world, which should be everyone.”
–Thomas M. Kostigen, Dow Jones MarketWatch Ethics Monitor columnist and New York Times bestselling author

Kill the Messenger clearly demonstrates how media help to shape beliefs, societies, and policies that impact the fate of the world. It’s a must read for everyone who cares about the welfare of humanity and the planet itself.”
 —Ed Begley Jr., actor and environmental steward

Monday 23 July 2012

Learn Something Everyday

(Explore, Travel & Learn)

"Learn more, Grow more"

(Get inspired & inspire) 

"Learn more, Grow more"

(Think, relax & question)

Find your oasis for reflection & learning

Saturday 21 July 2012

Social Comparison

People tend (unfortunately) to compare themselves with others.
Everything from how they look to how much they earn - as if it's a competition.. 

But why? What's the point in this?

This is called "social comparison" e.g. evaluating one's abilities & options by comparing oneself with others. 

For your own wellbeing & happiness this mindset is very destructive. 

King Charles I once said:

"Make no comparisons"

He couldn't have been more right because research today shows that people that make comparisons especially upwards comparisons tend to be unhappy with what they have.

Conclusion: Don't try to keep up with the Joneses or outdo them. The secret to happiness is to ignore comparisons with people who are more successful than you are. If you want to compare, compare downwards, NOT upwards!

Possible selves

What do you know about your: "possible self"?

In short "possible self" is the imagine of what we dream of or dread becoming in the future. If you have a strong imagine of your possible self it can motivate & help you to work harder & achieve the life you want. 

The Self in Social psychology

"No topic is more interesting to people than people.
For most people, moreover, the most interesting person is 
the self"

Roy F. Baumeister 1999

Benjamin Franklin

There are 3 things extremely hard;

a dimond 
to know one's self

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Society, Norms --> Conformity

Today I want to share a little event from my day at work. But first:

have you ever thought about how much we people conform to our societies norms, expectations and culture?

After studying psychology for years and moreover social psychology I have come to realized that we are under so much pressure to conform in our daily lives, which I think is way too much. Now I will tell you what happened today. It all started a few weeks ago when I had my nails painted blue. 

Yes, blue you heard me right. And yes I’m a flight attendant. First I want to ask you: what’s wrong with blue finger nails? Why can you have nails painted red and not blue? Think about that one. Red is the colour of blood, ”love” and I guess seen as a very “feminine” colour. Blue is the colour of the sea and sky but I guess seen as a more “masculine” colour. All this is just “norms” made up by someone and later followed by all of us. Why? Well yes because it’s the norm and you can’t break norms right. Or can you? I think some norms are too be challenged. Why? Well to raise questions like: why we do, think and behave in the ways we do. People, like you and me, learn all these things almost before we even can talk or even walk due to our surrounding society and its pressure to conform. Conformity is a big problem. We are expected to conform and not ”stand out” nor be too ”different”. But in order for this to change I thought, I’m gonna be different. I’m gonna stand out a bit and see what reactions my blue nails will make at work. Some loved them, most people made a comment: “your nails are BLUE?!” as in why did you paint your nails blue nobody does that.. Men especially on my flights LOVED my nails and said they looked everything from: cool, nice and sporty. Looking back if my nails would have been pink, red or French no one would have made a single comment on them. And for a man to comment on nails I think I kind of created a small ”forum” for thoughts that nails doesn’t have to be manicured only in french, red or pink they can have any colour.

(Who said can't nails can't be blue?)

I chose BLUE because of two reasons; it’s one of my favourite colours and moreover matches my uniform (see picture). Doesn’t it look lovely? I challenged the conformity but I have now been told to conform and adopt to colours that are acceptable, e.g. the norm for colour of nails not to get in any trouble at work. How childish isn’t that? I’m 26 years old but at work I can’t decided over the colour of my finger nails according to my preferences or liking. It has to be according to our societies norms.  I’m not surrendering the fight against conformity yet. I will keep questioning it and hopefully raise other peoples awareness regarding how much our society influence our life’s though its norms.

If I had children I would dress my boys in baby pink and my girls in baby blue. Poor kids you may think but I think it’s time for a change. We are too controlled and shaped by our society’s norms. 

 for that to happen

Does anyone agree with me? Isn't conformity boring & a complete waste of your time & energy. Just be yourself & let it shine though, everyday & in any colour you fancy

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Sweden - My Home





Real Friends

"Fake friends believe in rumours. Real friends believe in YOU"

"A true friends is ONE soul in TWO bodies"


"Let go of those who bring your down, push and stress you around. Surround yourself with those friends and people who bring out the best in you"

Moreover a true friend is someone who says nice things about you behind your back. 

"When you have positive relationships, your thoughts will be more positive, & this will lead to more positive action in your life. The important thing to do is to just let go of the negative & to embrace those who are positive"

Unconditional love

"You will never know unconditional love until you get a dog"

I grew up with dogs and have almost every since had one or more dogs surrounding me in my life, as family members. I have two lovely dogs living with me in Abu Dhabi, Ginger & Dusty. They make my heart smile several times a day. They are so simple & small beings but have endless love to give everyday...

New Life in Children

"There is a love inside your that will never be unlocked until you have children. These unborn children will cost you much in terms of:  time, money, energy ...

... but the love they unlock will make it all seem worthwhile. Your children suck the life out of you. But if you do your duty, they keep it stored in a secret chamber of their heart, long after you have gone"

#1 Catch & #2 Live your Dream(s)

A simple reminder to you ALL,

"It is not difficult to have it ALL..."

ALL it takes is for you to know what you want in life..
 & then... GO AND GRAB IT! 

Nobody will do it for you.
It has to be you.
So what are you waiting for?

I'm living my dream. You should live yours too! 

Your Way

"I go my own way 
 stick to what suits me"

- Prince Charles

This is exactly what every person should do not to regret anything later in life. Remember, when you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.

- Jack Handey

Sunday 1 July 2012

My Mom

There is no one like


I now see when my sister has got a baby how much my mother has put up with & how much energy she has spent on raising me & my sister. I think my mom raised us in the best way possible. I look up to my mom for her strength, going through a divorce & still manage to raise & support me and my sister. 

My mom has spoiled me with love my hole childhood & does still today. My mom has also showed me what life & love is all about:

My mom's philosophy:

"You can never be too generous when it comes to love, kisses & hugs"

Which has made me realize: 
Love fills our lives with light.