Wednesday 19 January 2011



I have promised myself for years that I will start doing more yoga. I have always liked it so why wouldn't I? And I have always wished to do more. I used to feel that I never had time. So I have now decided to make time for yoga in my everyday life. Just a few weeks ago I decided to try to expand both my knowledge and also practice about yoga. I now start my mornings with a yoga session. It feels great. My body slowly wakes up by stretching and finding its strength for the day. By doing yoga regularly I also feel that I learn more everyday, see more aspects of myself and my body. I feel that I with yoga can explores my strengths and my inner self. 

I hope this will inspire you to do the thing or things you always deep down wanted and dreamed to do. It's never too late. And you can always make time. It's your life and you are your own boss.

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