Saturday 21 July 2012

Social Comparison

People tend (unfortunately) to compare themselves with others.
Everything from how they look to how much they earn - as if it's a competition.. 

But why? What's the point in this?

This is called "social comparison" e.g. evaluating one's abilities & options by comparing oneself with others. 

For your own wellbeing & happiness this mindset is very destructive. 

King Charles I once said:

"Make no comparisons"

He couldn't have been more right because research today shows that people that make comparisons especially upwards comparisons tend to be unhappy with what they have.

Conclusion: Don't try to keep up with the Joneses or outdo them. The secret to happiness is to ignore comparisons with people who are more successful than you are. If you want to compare, compare downwards, NOT upwards!

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