Wednesday 19 January 2011

Positive attitude

I have since a few years back spend most of my time with a very special and fantastic man. He always blows me away with his positive attitude. Even in really bad and hard situations when I normally feel like crying or giving up he smiles and says: "Oh well, it could have been worse..". He is unique in so many ways. I have never met a man like him. He is not only extremely positive but also incredibly funny, loving, generous, caring, handsome, smart and great at most things. He is like space, endless. I have found the best life partner and friend in the world. 

So my Mr Right never leaves home without a positive attitude and he also always wakes up with a positive attitude. It's very rare I have seen him moody. He is a big inspiration to me and I would also like him to be your inspiration. I try and live each day to the full with as much positivism I possible can carry with me. We all know that if you start off your day negative, your day will only end up that way. 

So be positive it always pays off in the end.


  1. Such a wonderful blog! I already feel more positive! Am looking forward to read more :)

    Du är bäst! Puss /Katta

  2. Sounds great! Stick to him, S. :) :) :)

  3. hang on to that one - it is so rare to find a guy who is so true
