Friday 5 October 2012


Do you ever question or think how you get influenced by your surrounding environment & how you influence the environment? It's a good aspect of life to think about which includes your family,friends, society & culture... & a lot more factors.


Are you satisfied with it? If not change it. Don't adopt to it. Adopt, change & fit the environment to YOU instead. Never satisfy with less.
You have the power as an active individual to change things to your liking & according to your preferences: by your direct personal control. 

Stop complaining & instead become active rather than reactive!

Self doubts

can easily overrule the best skills. Therefor believe in yourself & establish a strong sense of your self-efficacy in accordance to your goals & personal standards, which will guide your actions. 


your goals & they will be easier to achieve

Speak up

Albert Bandura claims:

 "Silence gives consent". 

Edmund Burke: 

"The only thing necessary for tyrants to triumph is for good people to do nothing"

In other words: speak up!