Saturday 25 August 2012


I have travelled a lot. I'm now 26 & so far I have visited 41 countries. I lived for a year in France & currently in UAE. I love traveling! 

I want to share a few of my trips around the world & maybe it can inspire you to travel more:

The amazing beaches in South of Goa

Thailand - a place that always will be with me in my heart

Vancouver - Whistler


Italy - Venice

China - Beijing 

Marocco - Casablanca




Diving at the Great Barrier reef in Australia 

Shark water in Australia

Beautiful Philippines

Could be Maldives but it is actually Philippines!

Jumping off cliffs in Philippines- letting go of my fear

Summer in Strassburg - France


Magical Maldives

Liwa, UAE

Hungry lions in South Africa

Hugo & I on a road trip around SA

I never thought I ever would but I did dive with the great white sharks in SA. One word: scary!

The beauty of nature - animals in their natural environment where they belong 

Coast of South Africa

Istanbul & its great architecture 

My days with Etihad Airways around the world

My mom on a visit, dropping her in Frankfurt. VIP service! 

Making promotion for Etihad Airways

An Olympic kiss in Vancouver 2010

Skiing in Whistler


Sri Lanka


Copenhagen in winter & snow

Sweden - my home

This is where I'm from, the middle of nowhere - Söderåkra, Sweden. 

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