Tuesday 21 June 2011

Monday 20 June 2011


"A person who never makes mistakes never makes anything"


Mistakes are OK as long as you learn from them. 

A reminder

les gens qui savent peu parlent beaucoup, 
et les gens qui savent beaucoup parlent peu" 


("In general, 
people that know little talk a lot,
and people that know a lot talks little").

Life is what you make it...

See the opportunities of life!

Life is not always fair but at least it's wonderful. 
Isn't it? 
See life from the bright side. 


We have to know our limits. 
Then we can push those limits further. 

Sunday 12 June 2011

"Whatever the mind can conceive, can be achieve".

- Unknown

Sunday 5 June 2011

Find your Pitta

A very good friend just gave me a wonderful gift, organic ayurveda tea. Both of us are tea-addicts. It's a beautiful tea from Marocco, which encourage you to find the balance in your life - Pitta

We all have a few things to learn from ayurveda, which is teaching us that:
 "the key to health and happiness is BALANCE". 
"Engage in non-competitive physical activies
Eat with full awareness
Reduce spicy, sour & salty foods
Practice primordial sound meditation
Spend time n nature
Stay cool"

All tips from Chopra Center

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Thoughts, mind & you

"All that we are, is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think: we become".



"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different." 
— Coco Chanel

Live your life the way you dream

"Face your fears 
live your dreams..."

I read this on the back of a car the other day. It's very true. Why not do what you want instead of holding yourself back? I think that is the secret to feel alive.You have NOTHING to lose. 


"Grow young, not old! Life only gets more meaningful & will only have more to offer every year."


"If you don't fail you are not even trying - by practice you will both become better & stronger"

Two choices

"You always have at least two choices in life. You can either hate it or love it. It's all up to you. Remember miracles can be achieved by the right attitude".