Sunday 27 February 2011

Yogi Tea

A very inspiring person introduced me to Yogi tea many years back and I got seduced by the first sip. Also its teabags has nice quotes, which sometimes can brighten up your day with positive energy. Last but not least it's organic. 

"The trust that others place in you is your grace"

Right now I'm sipping on Peach Detox. Mm! Try it.
I thought I could forgive the unforgivable but I'm not so sure anymore. 
Some acts and words just burns like tattoos in my heart and mind. I'm afraid I will never be able to completely forget them. I don't understand and I think I will never understand... 

Wednesday 23 February 2011

"Respect everything living!"

As you might know I've now been veggie over 10 years and I have no regrets. I love being a veggie eater. Becoming vegetarian was the best decision I have ever made. I will never eat meat ever again. Why? Well because I think and feel that there is a strong bound between us: humans, animals and nature. We should all respect that bound connecting us, care for it and make sure it lasts.



Weed I have heard is addictive. But I did not know watching "Weeds" could be so damn addictive. It's a TV series, one of the best I have ever seen. Have you heard about it? I hadn't till one of my friends recommended me to see it. Now I'm like glued to the TV.

You should see it. I promise you won't regret it, it's great! "Weeds" won a Golden Globe Winner - for best performance by an actress. It's soooo gooood!

Monday 21 February 2011

.Orthorexia nervosa.

We all want to be healthy right?


I just realized by finding out the truth about our relationship that I have been living a dream. What I thought was reality wasn't really true. Our relationship and its reality was built up on lies, many lies, too many lies. It's hard to accept that my life due to somebodies lies was just a dream, which I though was reality. How can you hurt the one person you say you love? How can you cheat on the person you say you love? And how can you cheat on this person over and over again? I don't understand anymore...

It will be hard to ever trust anyone again after being let down by the person who mattered the most to me. Also having a father that cheated on my mother it will be even harder. Moreover after seeing how many couples that cheat on each other - I'm not sure if I believe in love anymore. One person really taught me this lesson, I thought he was one of the few exceptions but I was wrong.. 

A question that pops up in my mind is:

If you give someone your heart and they cheat on you, will your heart ever recover again? Will I spend the rest of my life with a hole inside that can't be filled?

Sunday 20 February 2011

"Forget about the shark and start swimming"

Don't run away from your fears or other things in life. Fight them! Or you might end up running away from things for the rest of your life. Make it a habit to deal with them instead. In the end that will make your life so much easier in the long run. 

Silence, emptiness and loneliness...

Have you ever experience silence?
Have you ever experience emptiness? 
Have you ever experience loneliness?

These three things might all be very depressing things to experience but I do believe that they are very important. Why? Well, because I believe experience this three things sometime in your life time will make you understand and appreciate everything and everyone around you. 

It will also help you to find yourself; 

who you are, what you want, what you really enjoy, who you really miss, who or what really matters to you. 

It's a good for you to really find your inner thoughts and feelings and reflect over them. Be just with yourself and acknowledge your deepest thoughts and feelings. Those are the ones you always should listen and pay attention to, because that is what you feel deep deep inside. That is how I believe you will find yourself. We have all felt lost at some points in life and those are the moments you should really try to feel silence, emptiness and loneliness in order to figure out the most basic things in your life, which might seem simple at a glance but might be very complicated and connected to many things in your life. 

Lagom - "just the right amount"

My own formula of happiness is: 

finding your "lagom". 

I feel having too much or too little of something very stressful as well as trying too little or too hard. My aim is therefore always to try to find the right balance. In swedish we have a word for this balance called "lagom*". I think we all will find our true happiness through implying "lagom" to our daily life. 

 *Lagom (pronounced [ˈlɑ̀ːɡɔm]) is a Swedish word with no direct English equivalent, meaning "just the right amount". (Wikipedia) 

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Right to judge someone

"Who has the right to judge someone? Morally, no one has the right to judge anyone else. Legally, it's not a right- it's a responsibility". 

- Quote from Nineteen minutes by Jodi Picoult

Mathematical formula of happiness

I'm at the moment reading a very inspiring book about life. And I found something I would like to share with you: 

Mathematical formula of happiness:

R/E, or, Reality divided by Expectations. 

There is two ways to be happy:

1. Improve your reality.


2. Lower your expectations. 

Isn't that easy? What do you choose? But what happens if you don't have any expectations? Or in my case always have too high expectations? Will I be "unhappy" for the rest of my life or "suffer" from little happiness? I believe despite this formula in having high expectations on myself and others because that is actually a source of happiness for me. But I know what we all need a balance (平衡) in life. 
"If we don't change the direction we are headed,
we will end up where we are going".

-Chinese proverb

Tuesday 15 February 2011

Friday 11 February 2011


"Everything has to die or end someday in its future..."

-The teaching of Buddha

Sad but I have learnt that from experience now. I'm older and wiser, more experienced and less blue eyed but still suffering from being badly hurt. I thought somethings would last for a lifetime but I guess I was wrong. . . 

Life goes on...

It's actually true that they say... "Life goes on!"

Tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday 9 February 2011


"If you want to be successful, it's just this simple:

Know what you are doing.
Believe in what you are doing.
Love what you are doing."


Smash, boom, crash - Heart broken

Be faithful,
to that special one in your life to avoid breaking hearts

Thursday 3 February 2011

Goal focused

"Without having a goal it's difficult to score"

-Paul Arden 


Do what you love,
Eat what you love,
Read what you love,
Work with what you love, 
Believe in what you love,
Be with who you love,

Love, Love, Love... 

Yourself, everyone and everything around you! 

Paul Arden

"It's not how GOOD you are, it's how GOOD you want to be"

-Paul Arden

Wednesday 2 February 2011

M Philosophy

My philosophy: 

Always do your best at all times, which will put you in the best place for the next moment.

Words of wisdom

"Try to make a difference"


Words of wisdom

"A mistake,
 no matter how huge it is,
 does not have to be life ending as long you learn from it".
