Monday 21 February 2011


I just realized by finding out the truth about our relationship that I have been living a dream. What I thought was reality wasn't really true. Our relationship and its reality was built up on lies, many lies, too many lies. It's hard to accept that my life due to somebodies lies was just a dream, which I though was reality. How can you hurt the one person you say you love? How can you cheat on the person you say you love? And how can you cheat on this person over and over again? I don't understand anymore...

It will be hard to ever trust anyone again after being let down by the person who mattered the most to me. Also having a father that cheated on my mother it will be even harder. Moreover after seeing how many couples that cheat on each other - I'm not sure if I believe in love anymore. One person really taught me this lesson, I thought he was one of the few exceptions but I was wrong.. 

A question that pops up in my mind is:

If you give someone your heart and they cheat on you, will your heart ever recover again? Will I spend the rest of my life with a hole inside that can't be filled?

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