Sunday 20 February 2011

Silence, emptiness and loneliness...

Have you ever experience silence?
Have you ever experience emptiness? 
Have you ever experience loneliness?

These three things might all be very depressing things to experience but I do believe that they are very important. Why? Well, because I believe experience this three things sometime in your life time will make you understand and appreciate everything and everyone around you. 

It will also help you to find yourself; 

who you are, what you want, what you really enjoy, who you really miss, who or what really matters to you. 

It's a good for you to really find your inner thoughts and feelings and reflect over them. Be just with yourself and acknowledge your deepest thoughts and feelings. Those are the ones you always should listen and pay attention to, because that is what you feel deep deep inside. That is how I believe you will find yourself. We have all felt lost at some points in life and those are the moments you should really try to feel silence, emptiness and loneliness in order to figure out the most basic things in your life, which might seem simple at a glance but might be very complicated and connected to many things in your life. 

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