Sunday 6 March 2011

"Eat Right for Your Blood Type"

I'm strongly convinced: 

"I believe in Eat Right for your Blood Type". 

Did you know: 

What you can eat -- and how you exercise --  depends on which blood type you belong to. I have blood type A.

I wanted to become a vegetarian as a young teenager. I didn't know anyone who was vegetarian but I had a strong will to become one. But my mother said NO with the argument that I was too young, still growing and needed protein. 2 years later, 14 years old, I finally told my mother that I had decided to become a vegetarian. It was just before Christmas and she was not so happy about my decision. Reason, I did not really enjoy eating meat anymore. Nor did I want to support the terrible and industrial meat production. Today, 11 years later I have never since eaten any meat. I have to say, it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. I feel great: healthy, happy and I believe I'm in the best shape both mentally and physically I possibly can be in. 

Yesterday one of my friends sent me a chart with all the blood type, its health risks and what the should eat according to your blood group. I'm A and people having blood type A should eat a veggie base diet! So always follow your heart and your beliefs. No one knows better than you. I strongly believe in this research, that you should eat accordingly to your blood type. 

So check out "Eat right for your blood type" and see if it's something that you might feel is right for you too. 

Health is your Wealth!

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