Thursday 6 January 2011

Your Body is Your Temple

"Tell me what you eat and I will tell you how beautiful you are" ...

It is important that you feed your body the right food.


Because you become what you eat!

Around 2 kg of chemicals are the amount a person every year consume though foods that contains: preservatives, coloringspesticides, artificial flavorings, binders and so on. Food we might think is healthy such as: vegetables and fruits might be the worst due to that they have been sprayed with poison for various reasons.

I'm not telling you to stop eating but I want to inspire you to buy organic produces products. People are like nature: a very sensitive ecological systems and illnesses occur due to pollutions and also due to artificial produced foods. 

Be organic,
Be real!

The inspiration to this is a Yoga book, which discuss how important the right food is. Also an article about soya plantations in South America. These plantations produces soya which later is used as animal feed. This soya fields are highly sprayed with poison/ pesticides, which can be tracked 40 meters down in earth. People and workers living and working around these fields suffers from headache, children are born sick and handicapped. People die early, mostly in cancer. How does this affect us? Well the food that we later consume such as: milk products, beef and chicken contain this the poison remains in their system, which we later consume...

How can this be happening? Don't ask me. Ask the people who are in charge: How they can let this happen and not stop it. In fact President Fernando Luga tried to change this by creating stricter regulations regarding the use of  pesticides in Paraguay. But he got stopped by the government due to the soya producers, who are so powerful that they have influence on the government. Things like this will not change over a night. 

My advise:
eat  and support organic and locally produced vegetables and meat.

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