Tuesday 11 January 2011

Dare... take the risk!

Too many people are afraid for changes today. People end up getting stuck in jobs, cities, apartments, relationships and lives they don't really want.

I dared to take a risk. I decided to resign from my old job which in itself wasn't too bad, actually some peoples dream. But it didn't give me anything anymore. Some people  told me that I shouldn't but be grateful that I had a job, because many due to the world rises haven't got any. But I believe in taking risks, follow your heart and realize your dreams. Due to that I dared and I got a hole new life. 

Always follow the voice inside your heart and you will be on the right path. But make sure you plan every step carefully and always make sure you have a back-up plan, just in case.

I ended up with the best job I possible could get at the moment. If you close one door there will always be a new one waiting to be open with new adventures and challenges. I also have a new home and even better it is together with my boyfriend. I have now many exciting things in life to look forward to: create a home together with the man I love, learn new things in my new job and hopefully give a needing dog a warm home one day soon...

I hope you found some inspiration to realize your dreams by reading this.

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