Thursday 6 January 2011

Change of Diet

I will today changed my diet. 

I became vegetarian at the age of 14. This year I'm turning 25. It was definitely one of the best choices I have ever done. It has been hard at times, especially traveling to other countries like China and Philippines. In the little village I grow up in in Sweden, people thought I tried to be special due to that I was vegetarian. But many friends followed "the trend" I set. The reason why I wanted to become vego was after reading international news about how terrible and massive the animal industry is, which I even as a young teenager couldn't support. If we all were aware of all the abuse and injuries animals suffers from in the meat industry nobody would probably eat meat. Just the ones with any feelings. Animals in the meat industry are only born with one propose:
to end up on your plate and bring in money.

My mom's argument to why I couldn't become vego at the age of 12 was because I was too young. She also claimed that our locally produced meat was not subject abuse in any kind of way.

A few weeks before Christmas 2001 there was a headline on all local newspapers saying that our local slaughter-house, Kalmar, mistreated the animals before being slaughtered. They therefore suffered before being killed. Many animals were also injured in transportations. And that was the day I became vegetarian. 

But the last 4-5 years I have started to eat fish and seafood again. I lost weight and I thought by eating some protein in form of fish I would regain the weight and muscles I lost. Which I now have. I absolutely love eating all kinds of seafood but I have anyway decided to stop eating fish. 


First, because I can not any longer support the commercial fishing industry, which is close to emptying the worlds oceans. Their big fishing nets bring up any species that happens to swim in the water where the nets are: sharks, turtles, dolphins...
Second reason is that the oceans are today very polluted, which makes it almost a health risk to consume fish. 
Third reason is the fact that the worlds oceans are over-fished and it's about time to do something about it.

I prefer to dive and explore the oceans and observe all its beauty, instead of eating its amazingly beautiful and peaceful inhabitants. 

What do you prefer?

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