Sunday 23 January 2011

An Education

I watched "An Education" last night. Have you seen it? I found it being a very moving movie about life and passion, first love and its heartache, being let down and cheated on but also finding the path back. Finding the path back can seem to be impossible. Admitting you have been wrong may be very hard. But sometimes you just have to suck it up just like the young girl in this movie did. Believe in what you want and you can always do it. Look out for opportunities. You should see the movie if you already haven't seen it. I love movies that has a message and this movie has one, it's not life changing but it plants a small seed in your mind that grows bigger if you give it attention. I made me think that people, especially women, should never become dependent on anyone, not your father, best friend nor boyfriend or husband. 

Always follow your heart and be independent. I think that is the way you will find your true happiness.

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