Friday 5 October 2012


Do you ever question or think how you get influenced by your surrounding environment & how you influence the environment? It's a good aspect of life to think about which includes your family,friends, society & culture... & a lot more factors.


Are you satisfied with it? If not change it. Don't adopt to it. Adopt, change & fit the environment to YOU instead. Never satisfy with less.
You have the power as an active individual to change things to your liking & according to your preferences: by your direct personal control. 

Stop complaining & instead become active rather than reactive!

Self doubts

can easily overrule the best skills. Therefor believe in yourself & establish a strong sense of your self-efficacy in accordance to your goals & personal standards, which will guide your actions. 


your goals & they will be easier to achieve

Speak up

Albert Bandura claims:

 "Silence gives consent". 

Edmund Burke: 

"The only thing necessary for tyrants to triumph is for good people to do nothing"

In other words: speak up! 

Thursday 13 September 2012

Ingvar Kampard

He is indeed a man to look up to and also a man with a great life philosophy:

"Happiness is not reaching your goals. Happiness is being on the way. It is our wonderful fate to be just at the beginning... I have lots of things to do. I don't have time for dying". 

-Ingvar Kamprad

Quote of the day

"Only those who are asleep make no mistakes"

- Ingvar Kamprad founder of IKEA

Friday 31 August 2012

Thought of the day

I feel as I grow older that I find more peace & reasoning. This is something I have experienced a lot of lately. I enjoy aging! Pieces fit together by themselves. I worry less. Life just moves very smoothly on its own pace. Aging means you get richer in experiences, enjoy it!

But don't take life for granted. We are only here temporary. Realizing & implying that will make you feel free & less attached to all the material things surrounding us. Cherish your family, friends & relationships with people.

 One day we all have to leave, young or old. That's life, which is hard to accept but enjoy everyday as if it was your last. Just remember to leave this world as you would like to find it, for the next person to enter it. 

Tuesday 28 August 2012

Great flow & grateful

I love when everything falls into place by itself & the feeling that comes with it. 

I never expected having such a great flow in life, which I'm very grateful to have.
I got everything in life & more I ever could have wished for.

Sunday 26 August 2012


I used to be scared of "It". I fought "It" for many years. But I think with age I slowly realized it's not worth putting in so much effort & energy to fight "It". So I stopped fighting "It" this year & that was the best decision I ever made. Letting "It" go, made me very happy & my body, mind & soul found peace, to function together as ONE. 

So an advice let "It" go!

Stop fighting "It" if you have any "It" existing in your life & soul. Let "It" go & a whole new world will open up

Saturday 25 August 2012


It's already August 

Stay young by keeping your body fit;
Make 2012 your fittest year yet!


If you can run, 
you can run farther.

If you can train,
you can train harder.

Just had a gym sess with a very good friend. You can push yourself 50% more every time you think you can't do any more. She pushes me in yoga & I push her in the gym with weights & cardio. A gym buddy can bring more balance to your routine & also make it a lot more fun. We both are looking forward to tomorrow's session & to reach our goals in a few weeks time. 


I have travelled a lot. I'm now 26 & so far I have visited 41 countries. I lived for a year in France & currently in UAE. I love traveling! 

I want to share a few of my trips around the world & maybe it can inspire you to travel more:

The amazing beaches in South of Goa

Thailand - a place that always will be with me in my heart

Vancouver - Whistler


Italy - Venice

China - Beijing 

Marocco - Casablanca




Diving at the Great Barrier reef in Australia 

Shark water in Australia

Beautiful Philippines

Could be Maldives but it is actually Philippines!

Jumping off cliffs in Philippines- letting go of my fear

Summer in Strassburg - France


Magical Maldives

Liwa, UAE

Hungry lions in South Africa

Hugo & I on a road trip around SA

I never thought I ever would but I did dive with the great white sharks in SA. One word: scary!

The beauty of nature - animals in their natural environment where they belong 

Coast of South Africa

Istanbul & its great architecture 

My days with Etihad Airways around the world

My mom on a visit, dropping her in Frankfurt. VIP service! 

Making promotion for Etihad Airways

An Olympic kiss in Vancouver 2010

Skiing in Whistler


Sri Lanka


Copenhagen in winter & snow

Sweden - my home

This is where I'm from, the middle of nowhere - Söderåkra, Sweden. 

Be like a dog

I promise you if we humans could be a little more like our best friends, dogs, we would be a lot happier. 

Dogs are: easy going, forgiving & also always happy. They love to spoil others with their love & attention. They are even so unselfish that they would never hesitate to risk their own life to save an other life. Dogs live as if everyday is their last. My dogs, Dusty & Ginger, keeps reminding me of this everyday. They love to just have fun, cuddle, eat, play & sleep. They also look after me & protect me. Last not not least they are real life enjoyers. They simply live as if there is no tomorrow.

 Life is about learning & I believe we need to "be" more like our best friends=dogs, who always are loyal, forgiving & loving life. 

Increase your endorphins

I love running for so many reasons. For me it is like a form of meditation. If I'm tense, it relaxes me. If I'm tired, it energizes me. It also helps clearing my mind, & I love the rush of endorphins that comes with it. Running has been proved to be "addictive" if you do it on regular basis, because it increases your feeling of wellbeing & also happiness as it raises your level of endorphins.

Keep fit, healthy & happy ..

..with regular runs. 
It's simple!

Thursday 23 August 2012

Hope & fear

Hope is the ONLY thing stronger than fear.


I learned now as I was on holiday in Zanzibar that Swahili people have no specific religion. Every man worships what he pleases, be it a place, an animal or a mineral. 

I really admire that concept of life

Wednesday 22 August 2012


You cannot always wait for the 
perfect time, sometimes you must
 dare to jump

Coco Chanel

The best things in life are free. 
The second best are very expensive. 

- Coco Chanel

Mantra #1


Sunday 19 August 2012


Respect all members of the human race. 

Stop racism! 

It is true that we are slightly different; due to our upbringing, culture & nationality but deep down we are all the same. 

Stop generalize & listen to others. Instead, open & listen to your heart!

Motive & means

"The difference as with most things in life, lay in the motive & the means".

-Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Don't judge too fast before you know the reasons behind


"It isn't a secret, 
unless keeping it hurts"

-Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts


You have to forgive, if you want to move on & survive. Sometimes forgiving is what will make you get though it. You can still be angry but you need to forgive or that hate might turn you into a bitter person or eventually even kill you. 


Or your heart might turn into a weapon, which you always end up using it on yourself.

Live & learn

Sooner or later, 
fate puts us together with all the people,
 one by one, 
who show us what we could, and shouldn't, 
let ourselves become".

-Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

I had a dream about this last night, which is a reminder not to become like the person we despise most. I sometimes fear becoming like the person I despise most but everything in life is a choice & I'm choosing not to become a person like him. I instead want to be his opposite; everything he never was, never could be... Because I know I can be. 


"We are all driven by a desire to find meaning in life. We have to know what it is all about. It is meaning that makes us human beings".

-Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Saturday 18 August 2012


"A man has to respect himself before he can respect anyone else"

-Shantaram Gregory David Roberts


"The lies we tell ourselves are the ghosts that haunt the empty house at midnight"

- Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Philosophy lesson #1

"We are conscious beings who cannot help living our lives as if they were meaningful"

"The meaning we give to life do not exist beyond our own consciousness"

"Only once we can accept the fact that life is meaningless & absurd we are in a position to live fully"

"By embracing this idea, that life is inherently meaningless, we capable of living as fully as possible"

Albert Camus (1913-1960)

Actions & Being

"When we act, even with the best intentions, when we interfere with the world, we always risk a new disaster that mightn't be our making, but that wouldn't occur without our action. Some of the worst things are caused by people who tried to change things". 

- Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts

Like for example some of Einstein's inventions.

Be aware & use all your tools & logic in the right. Try to see what consequences your action might have later in your life, for others & for the world as hole. 

We need to remember we are just a tiny part of this big planet. And as conscious beings we have a big responsibility. 

Thursday 9 August 2012

Are you an existentialist?

Just as Simone De Beauvoir I believe that we are born without a purpose but that we must carve out an authentic existence for ourselves, choosing what to become.

We have the power to create & live our lives like we want & we have the power to choose many things in life such as for example:

happiness & a lot more.. You name it! So go on & create your life as you wish it to be!

Simone De Beauvoir

Representation of the world is, according to Simone De Beauvoir, the work of men & they describe it from their own point of view. 

MAN is therefore defined as a HUMAN BEING,
 while WOMAN is defined as FEMALE.
Women has been labelled by men as "the second sex".

Is that fair?

There are many myths of woman as mother, wife, virgin, symbol of nature, the weaker sex & so on. All these myths about how women are & should be creates many impossible ideals, which puts women under a lot of pressure & stress. 

Do you agree with the quote:

"One is not born but becomes a woman"


Basically Beauvoir agrees that woman & men are different. But she wants to highlight the strong influence society has on us, which separates men and women as more different than we really are. As the title of one of her books: "The Second Sex" she claims women has been given number 2. Male is number 1, the norm. Woman as number 2, & the exception from the norm e.g. "men", which she think is wrong. She claims that this is a construction made by men for men. 

Last but not least living a truly authentic existence carries more risk than accepting a role handed down by society, but it is the only path to quality & freedom. 

In other words: 


John Locke

"Tabula Rasa"

* In Locke's philosophy, tabula rasa was the theory that the (human) mind is at birth a "blank slate". Nearly all our knowledge is acquired though experience & education.

Keep learning
Keep exploring
Keep traveling
Keep being curious

Peter Singer

Pain, according to Peter Singer, is pain, weather it is yours or mine or anyone else's. 

Singer therefore believes experiments performed on animals can never be justified.
I agree with him! Do you?

Question yourself how you value the term:

Make sure you ONLY purchase products 

Weather experiments are performed on rats, rabbits, dogs or cats:
 animal experiments are WRONG

Only purchasing products AGAINST ANIMAL TESTING will save many animals & all those animals will live happier thanks to you buying products not tested on Mr Rabbit, Mr Doggy & so on... 

Let animals be happy & free.

They have the same right to freedom just like you & me. And they feel pain just as much as you & me.