Saturday 25 August 2012

Be like a dog

I promise you if we humans could be a little more like our best friends, dogs, we would be a lot happier. 

Dogs are: easy going, forgiving & also always happy. They love to spoil others with their love & attention. They are even so unselfish that they would never hesitate to risk their own life to save an other life. Dogs live as if everyday is their last. My dogs, Dusty & Ginger, keeps reminding me of this everyday. They love to just have fun, cuddle, eat, play & sleep. They also look after me & protect me. Last not not least they are real life enjoyers. They simply live as if there is no tomorrow.

 Life is about learning & I believe we need to "be" more like our best friends=dogs, who always are loyal, forgiving & loving life. 

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