Saturday 4 August 2012

Cameron Diaz

"Children aren't the only things that bring you gratification & happniess. And honestly? We don't need any more kids. We have plenty on this planet."

- Cameron Diaz

I kind of agree with Miss Diaz no matter how wonderful children, & especially your own children are/would be to have, there are already a lot of them on this planet & many of them missing parents to take care of them.

I saw this myself as I went to Bangladesh. It's very sad to see a 4 year old taking care of a 2 year old. Life sometimes just doesn't seem fair. Life for some is a challenge & a matter of life & death. For some everyday can be a struggle for survival.

Question to you: 

Are people that today choses to have a lot of kids selfish? Since there are so many homeless & parentless kids living in slums & on  streets..

Well it's a question to think about, isn't it?

I'm very thankful for my mother to have me & for the life I was given to live. But if my mother couldn't have taken care of me & my sister nor any of my family members I would have been very thankful for having some other people looking after me & raising me as their own child. I think adoption is a beautiful choice in life & maybe an option I one day might consider myself as I see it as "giving new life & opportunities to an already existing life".

I, for example, adopted two wonderful dogs; Dusty & Ginger. I don't see the point in buying puppies/animals when there are so many homeless & just as wonderful. Why not make sure all homeless animals first have warm & loving homes before going & increasing the demand for "producing" more? 

As I said before: adopting is a beautiful thing. Maybe one of the most beautiful things you can do. 

Give a new chance to an already existing life!

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