Thursday 2 August 2012


We can never show enough gratitude in our daily life.
I have met a lot of people that keeps reminding me of that. Yesterday at yoga the yoga teacher finished by saying:

"Be thankful for being alive!"

Yes, we should all be more thankful for being alive. So many people die too early, others by terrible diseases. But we are here & we have all the possibilities to enjoy & make the most out of every single minute of our lives. But it's a choice. Remember:


If more people were aware of that I believe a lot more people would be more satisfied with their lives. 

 Focus more on: gratitude, know that happiness is a choice & be thankful for being alive. People are worrying & complaining about so many things & moreover so many small things(!). 
Hey, come on - move on, forget & start enjoying your life without bringing up all those things that reduces your feeling of happiness & well-being. We only live once  (at least thats what I believe). 

So lets make this life the GREATEST possible. 

Be thankful for...

.. being alive 
... your wonderful friends & family 
.. all those small things in life as your health
... the beautiful weather & seasons
.. all the LOVE around you & make sure to take well care of it well! 

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